Since 2014-01-01 Perhaps one of the reasons that prompted me to talk about the phases of man in this research; what Imam Ibn Katheer said in his (interpretation of the verse creation in Surat Hajj) The stages of man's creation are all costly to look at, and the absolute command, requires only a valid guide, as we have repeatedly explained in the verse: (Let man see what he created. Creation of water flush} [Altarik
The stages of man's creation: It is perhaps one of the reasons that prompted me to talk about the stages of man in this research; what Imam Ibn Katheer said in his interpretation of the verse of Creation in Surat Al-Hajj. And what he mentioned in the stages of man's creation is a matter for every person to consider. Al-Fajoub is only a proof of his truth, as we have repeatedly explained in the verse: "Let man see what he created. Creation of water flush} [Altarik: 5-6].
The creation of man is one of the great signs of Allah, especially if we know that each of these phases is a verse in itself. The revelation of God about these stages and phases in the Holy Quran is considered a scientific miracle, especially since modern science has reached these stages only A few years ago: (Vahtua O Oli eyes) [Alhashr of verse: 2].
It is clear that before the process of man's creation, he came upon
man when the man was not mentioned, as in the verse, "Did he come
upon man when he was of no age?" [Man: 1].
First, the elements of man's first creation:
1 - water:
The water is the first element that God created every-
thing alive except the angels and the section of what is alive
because the angels were created from the light, and the Gardens
created from the fire, the Almighty said: (Or see those who
disbelieve that the heavens and the earth They were separated
and we made water from every living thing, do not they believe?
"[The Prophets: 30].
And enter in the verse: (all) the human body, but we can say: The summit of these creatures is all human, God has created from the water.
God Almighty says: {He who created water from human beings and made it ratios and aprice and your Lord was mighty '[Al Furqan: 54] (Encyclopedia of the QURAN specialized; p: [780], Dr. Abdul Hay al-Faramawi).
2 - Dust:
the earth is the second element of the creation of Abu Adam Adam peace be upon him said: (The example of Jesus with God like Adam created from dust and then said to him be) [Al-Imran: 59]. And dust: an essential element of the composition of each human after Adam peace be upon him from the soil plant, and plant food, and food blood, and blood sperm, and the sperm of the fetus, the Almighty said: (God created you from dust and then from the sperm and then made you husbands and bear Of a female and do not put only his knowledge and the age of Muammar does not diminish his age except in a book that is on God walking} [Fater: 11].
The Almighty said: (He who created you from dust and then from the sperm and then from Leqa and then come out to get the most of you and then to be old and you who dies before and to be called a long time and you may know) [Ghafer: 67].
God says: (And from His signs that your creation of dust and then if you are human spread) [Roman: 20].
The Almighty said: (O people, if you are in doubt of the Baath, we created you from dust and then from the sperm and then from the leech and then from the fabric of the creature and not created to show you and click in the womb what we want for a named term and then come out a child and then to inform the most of you and those who die and you from He will return to the old age, so that he will not know after knowing anything, and the earth will be seen as dead, and if we bring down water, And it has focused Repettooneptt of each pair joyful} [Hajj: 5].
There is another investigation of the scholars on the creation of God of people from dust, namely that he created their father Adam, and then created his wife, and then created them through reproduction, when the first origin of dust, he called them that created them from dust, Modern science has found that all elements of man are elements of soil.
The stages of the creation of the first human 1 - mud: This clay is the result of the mixing of the elements of water and soil as explained above, so the mud is the composite that consists of the creation of the human body.
The Almighty said: {That is the world of the unseen and the witness, the merciful. He who made everything good, and created man from clay. Then he made his descendants a descendant of humiliating waters. And then others and breathed in it of his soul and made you hearing and sight and hearts little thank you. "[Al-Sujdah: 6-9].
And describes God Almighty this mud that it was a tyranny of any: sticky sticky cohesive each other, the Almighty said: (Vstvthm most important creation or mother of our creation, we created them from the mud of the laziness) [Safat: 11].
It is worth mentioning that the reason for the difference of people in their qualities, forms and morals is due to the material that God created Adam, where they collected from all the earth, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "God created Adam from the grip of her grasp from all the land, The earth, and the earth, and came from them white, red, and black, and between that and easy and sadness, and between that and malicious and good, and that »(Ahmad and Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi and Ibn Haban in his right, said Tirmidhi:" good is true ").
2 - Elderly fodders:
God left this mud after blending its racism until it became an old manna said: (And we have created a man of clay from the elderly donkeys) [Stone: 26], and the stink is the changing black clay, as the words of the interpreters, the elderly Controversy between the interpreters The photographer was told of the year of the face is his image, and the words of the Rama:
It was narrated that Ibn Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that when Nafi 'ibn al-Azraq asked him about the meaning of the elderly, he answered him that the meaning of the photographer told him: Do the Arabs know that? Ibn Abbas said to him: Yes, I did not hear the words of Hamzah ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib (may Allaah be pleased with him), praising the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
The elderly are said to have been cast off; that is, the image of man has been emptied and the images of the essence are emptied in their examples. The elderly were told in the narration of Ibn Abbas, Mujahid and al-Hudhaq that it is: "Al-Munten", Ibn Katheer said: "Sleek old people", as
Al-Shunqeeti is likely to have the first opinion according to the verse: "We have created man from the clay of old flesh." [Al-Hijr: 26] (Refer to the lights of the statement, and the interpretation of the great Qur'aan.
That is, after the Creator blended the earth and the water, the mixture became a sticky mixture of dust, and then the clay became black with a blackened image.
3 - the stage of being a clay:
After the mud has become poisoned manna in the image of Adam until it became clay like pottery, the Almighty said: (Man created clay as pottery. And the creation of the elves of Marj from the fire) [Rahman: 14-15], and clay is: "dry clay, which reaches any of the votes if he hit something as long as the fire did not touch him if the fire is then the pottery", and this is the most interpreters.
This clay is like pottery, but it is not pottery, because God did not fire Adam, so be proud, the Almighty said: (Man created clay as pottery) [Rahman: 14].
4 - Inflammation of the Spirit:
After the only God the first person and his image, and then became a clay - any clay after filming -, the spirit in the body of Adam, peace be upon him, the Almighty said: (Your Lord said to the angels I create human beings of clay. If it is settled and breathed out of my soul, then prostrate to him prostrating. "[P. 71-72].
The Almighty added to the spirit to himself, to notice that this spirit is not only owned by the Almighty, and that the source of it and how this blowing, which the Almighty took, and no one to know, as the Almighty said: (and ask you about the Spirit said the spirit of the Lord and Mauttm of science Only a little] [Isra: 85].
God Almighty commanded His angels before Adam created that they should prostrate to this creature after the spirit is in his body. He said: "When your Lord said to the angels, I am a human being of clay. 72], this verse indicates that it is exalted when Adam breathed into the soul, the angels had to prostrate to him;
The author of the shadows says: "What was this small, limited, strong, short-lived, limited-knowledge creature that would have had none of this dignity, except for that gentle Lordly Blessing (the upper puff that made him human)? The small planet that lives on this planet with the millions of species and races of the living, and the planet Earth but a small follower of the afters of one of the stars, and these stars millions of millions in that space, which knows only God range ... What reaches this man to worship him angels Only with this great gentle secret, is this the secret? Yum cream, if abandoned or sit it bounced back to its origin cheapness of clay "(median; c 12, p: [181]).
* The stages of creating man in the womb of his mother: The Holy Quran also spoke about the stages of human creation first, as well as included in the talk about the creation of the dynasty of this person, and the verses that refer to these stages, saying:
O people, if you are in doubt of the Baath, then we created you from dust and then from the sperm and then from the leech and then from the fabric of the creature and uncreated to show you and click in the womb what we want for a specified term and then we come out a child and then to inform you the most of you and who will die So that he will not know of anything yet, and the earth will be seen, and if we bring down water it will be shaken Bit and sprouted from each pair of joyful] [Hajj: 5].
And the Almighty said: (And we created man from a strain of clay and then we made a sperm in the decision of McCain and then we created the semen Leica, we created the embryo chewed so we created the bone bone bones Vkzona bone and then created another creation God blessed the best creators) [believers: 12-14], saying: {We created man from the sperm of Amashaj Nabtlh and made him heard hearing) [Human: 2].
1 - sperm: The mention of the word sperm in the Holy Quran in twelve verses: The Almighty said: (created man from a sperm if he is a clear adversary) [bees: 4]. The Almighty said: (He said to his companion when he talked with him, you made up the dust that created you then from the sperm and then you are a man) [Cave: 37].
The Almighty said: (O people, if you are in doubt of the Baath, we created you from dust and then from the sperm and then from the leech and then from the fabric of the creature and not created to show you and click in the womb what we want for a named term and then come out a child and then to inform the most of you and those who die and you from He will return to the old age, so that he will not know after knowing anything, and the earth will be seen as dead, and if we bring down water, Have focused fondle and brought forth from each pair joyful} [Hajj: 5] (educational interpretation; c 3, p: [145]).
The Almighty said: {Then we made him a sperm in the decision of McCain and then we created the semen Leica, we created Alaljp chewed, so we created bone bone bones Vkzona flesh and then created another creation, God blessed the best creators} [Believers: 13-14].
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "And Allaah created you from dust and then from sperm, then He made you wives and what you bear from a female.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Do not man see that I created him from a sperm?"
He said: "He who created you from dust and then from a sperm and then from a leech and then bring you a child and then to inform you the most and then to be elders and you who dies before and to be called a long time and you may be wise" [Ghafer: 67].
The Almighty says: (Of the sperm if you wish) [Star: 46]. The Almighty says: (What is the light of the sperm of my right hand) [Resurrection: 37]. The Almighty said: (We created man from the sperm of Amashaj Nabtlh made him heard hearing) [Human: 2]. The Almighty said: (From the sperm of his creation and his fate) [Abs: 19].
This stage came after the completion of the creation of the first male and the first female of the human being. The semen is mixed with man's water and women's water. After intercourse, the man's water is mixed with the water of the woman and the water becomes sperm.
One of the wonders of the ability of God Almighty; that the number of sperm produced by the testes to between two hundred and three hundred sperm in a single batch, while the female pushing one egg with a crown radiant, and not reach the huge quantities of sperm to the egg only one sperm.
The egg is then divided into two cells, four, one , and so on ... without increasing the size of these cells from the size of the fertilized egg, and this process of division and egg on its way to the uterus, and then comes the second stage:
2 - Alaqqa:
The word Alalqa mentioned in the Holy Quran in five verses: The Almighty said: (O people, if you are in doubt of the Baath, we created you from dust and then from the sperm and then from the leech and then from the fabric of the creature and uncreated to show you and click in the womb what We will go out for a long time, then we will bring you out a child, and then you will be informed of the most of you, and of you who will die. Z lifeless if sent down by the water and shaken fondle and brought forth from each pair joyful} [Hajj: 5].
He said: "He who created you from dust and then from a sperm and then from a leech and then bring you a child and then to inform you the most and then to be elders and you who dies before and to be called a long time and you may be wise" [Ghafer: 67].
The Almighty says: {Then we created the semen Leica, we created Alaljp chewed, we created the bone bone bones Vkzona flesh and then created another creation God blessed the best creators] [Believers: 14]. The Almighty said: (And then was a leech and created a foy) [Resurrection: 38]. And the leech: is the piece of lice, which is solid blood.
After the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, after its division, it becomes a mass of small cells, called thymus, where it resembles its fruit. It is then connected to the wall of the uterus and continues to hang for twenty-four hours. It is characterized by two layers: ", And the inner layer, of which God creates the fetus.
God called the first Surat revealed in the QURAN on behalf of this stage, to remind us that God Almighty that the moments when the human is a block of blood stuck to the wall of the uterus draws warmth, food and housing, the Almighty said: {Read the name of your Lord who created. The creation of man from the suspension} [Alq: 1-2].
3 - Chewing:
mention the term in the Holy Quran three times twice in Surat [believers: 14]. And once in Sura [Hajj: 5], and Almdghp is the small piece of meat as much as chewed and after the process of licking begins the stage of the third week, and this phase passes two stages:
Non-fabricated: This phase lasts from the third week until the fourth week, and there is no differentiation for any member or apparatus.
B - Created embryo: pregnancy passes after the end of the fourth week with a series of subtle changes and amazing cells grow and develop, to be human in the best calendar and end this stage at the end of the third month almost.
The Holy Quran refers to these two stages. He said: "O people, if you are in a doubt of the Baath, then we have created you from dust, then from a sperm, then from a leech, then from a fabricated, uncircumcised grain, to show you and to tap into the wombs, To inform you of the most of you and those who are dead and those who respond to the old age to know after knowing something and see the earth is dead If we bring down the water, it is shaken, and wept and germinated from every happy husband. "[Al-Hajj: 5]
The Qur'an has observed the temporal and moral difference between each stage of creation; the distance between the semen and the distance has a great distance in the balance of creation, although it is not far in the calculation of time.
The distance between the semen and the leech, whether the sperm of the male "semen" or the sperm of the female "egg", or they are together, "semen Amasaj" Which in the uterus channel to reach the decision of the mechanic settle in it, but the shift between the neck and forehead is rapid And the distance is close, the relationship enters into the embryo without a significant time or moral difference and then expressed in a sense, a sign of the connection (we created the link chewing), as well as between the embryo and bone: (We created the bone bone bones Vksona flesh), and then slow down Speed, and comes a time difference and creation {and then created another creation blessed God is the best creators) (science of human evolution; p. [100]).
5 - bone:
In this phase turns the piece of meat to the skeleton, the Almighty said: (We created the bone bones) [Believers: 14].
6 - the bones of the flesh:
14: This verse indicates that the bones are formed first and then wrapped around the flesh and muscles as a garment, and this accurate photography refers to the greatness of the QURAN and accuracy.
7- Other Creation: At this stage the soul is breathed, and this puff is after a period of about four months. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If one of you gathers his creation in the womb of his mother for forty days, then there is a leech like that, then there will be a similar thing like that. Then the king will send the soul to breathe and he will be commanded four words: And his work, and the poor or happy »(Narrated by Bukhari; the beginning of creation, and Muslim: fate).
The Almighty said: (Then created another creation), ie, a direct creation of the first creation, separating what is far away, where he made an animal after he was in the wilderness, and was deaf and dumb, and heard and deaf and insight and was Akmh, and deposited in the face and the phenomenon, but each of its members but every part Of its parts, innate wonders, and the strangeness of its wisdom, are not aware of the description of the descriptor, and do not inform the explanation of the surfer ... "(Scouts; C 3, p: [178]).
"The human race has evolved from a mud dynasty," says the owner of the shadows, "but the people of the tribe of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) were raised in the womb of a woman, The thousands of cells that reside at that point are stabilized: (in a McCain decision) ... fixed in the uterus between the pelvic bones protected by the vibrations of the body, and many of the back and abdomen injury from punches and bruises, tremors and influences!
The Quranic expression makes the semen a stage of human evolution, followed by its presence in human existence. It is a fact, but a wonderful fact that calls for reflection. This huge man summarizes and summarizes all of its elements and characteristics in that semen, as it is repeated in the embryo and renewed by the presence of this peculiar allocation.
From the semen to the cornea, when the male cell is mixed with the egg of the female, these relate to the wall of the uterus at first a small point, feeding on the blood of the mother ... and from sticking to the mouth, when that sticking point grows and becomes a piece of thick mixed blood ... This creation is in that fixed line, which does not deviate or change, and its regular, monotonous movement, and that inherent power of the cell derived from the last law, is not in a way between measure and appreciation until the bone phase comes ... {Vexuna bone flesh}.
This is where the human being stands confused in front of what the QURAN revealed in fact in the formation of the fetus was not known exactly until finally after the progress of the anatomy of the embryos; that the bone cells other than meat cells, has been shown that bone cells are the first in the fetus, One of the cells of the flesh only after the appearance of bones, and complete the skeleton of the fetus is the truth recorded by the QURANic text (We created the bone bone), {Fexona bone flesh} ... Glory to the expert expert!
{And then we created another creature} ... This is a person with distinct characteristics, human embryo resembles the animal embryo in its physical stages, but the human embryo arises another creature, and turns into that creation is distinct, ready to rise.
The embryo of the animal remains in the order of the animal, stripped of the characteristics of perfection and perfection, which characterizes the human embryo.
The human embryo is characterized by certain characteristics which are followed by the human method later, and it arises (another creature) in the last stages of the embryonic, while the animal embryo stands at the time of animal development; because it is not equipped with these characteristics, and therefore can not exceed the animal animal rank , Evolves into human order automatically - as the physical theories say.
They differed from that divine blower, which became a human dynasty, and then differed from the specific characteristics arising from that puff, in which the human embryo is created. The human and animal are similar in animal composition, and the animal remains an animal in its place, , And man becomes another creature capable of being prepared for him by perfection, by distinctive characteristics, God gave her a deliberate measure, not through the automatic evolution of the animal type to the human type (in the shadows of the QURAN; C 5, p. 182).
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "He created you from the same one, then He made her from her husband, and sent down to you from the cattle eight pairs, creating you in the stomachs of your mothers. These darkness means: "Darkness of the abdomen, darkness of the uterus and darkness of the placenta".
After the stage of blowing up comes the stage of hearing and sight formation, the Almighty said: (God took you from the stomachs of your mothers do not know anything and make you hearing and sight and hearts, you may thank) [bees: 78]. The Almighty gave hearing before sight, and it has been scientifically proven that the hearing is formed before sight, and then the growth of the human continues in the mother's belly day after day until the completion of his development and become a child {and then bring you a child}.
The educational benefit of studying the stages of human creation:
1 - that this man, who began to create him from mud and water insulting, generosity Almighty; where the angels made the worshipers of the Infidel, the lighten who are in permanent obedience do not disobey God ordered them prostrate to him, prostration of obedience to God does not prostrate worship to Adam, We said to the angels prostrated to Adam and worshiped only the devil my father and proud and was one of the unbelievers "[Baqarah: 34], and also out of his mercy of the refusal to prostrate him.
Therefore, the scholars forbade insulting a person and hitting him on the face, even if he was to educate and evaluate behavior. The Almighty says: (We have honored the sons of Adam and carried them in land and sea and gave them from the good and preferred them to many of those who created a preference) [Isra: 70].
2 - God created in several phases, where the Almighty established gradually step after the stage until it became in the best calendar, which Gel would be able to say to him, but God chose the same year of gradual construction, and this is the age of God in his creation.
Therefore, we must take this gradient into consideration in human education, and that the process of education does not come at once.
3 - His grip was the dust from which Adam was created from all the earth, so his offspring came out of a variety of different types, including black, white, long, short, good and bad, so there are individual differences between human groups and individuals, and educators to diversify and change their methods and methods of education according to the need.
4 - obedience absolute to God Almighty, and surrender to the commands of Almighty, and that Solt himself the objection and lack of initiative is cursed expelled from the mercy of all.
5 - God created man in the best calendar He says: (We have created man in the best calendar) [Teen: 4]. The time for that is faith and good deeds.
6 - Man consists of two parts of the basic part concrete and a significant part of the body and soul must be satisfied parts, both affect and affected the other.
The educational benefit of studying the stages of the fetus in:
These stages follow a phase after a phase, testifying to the existence of God Almighty, and the manifestation of His greatness, and His creation, and the emergence of these phases and their follow-up with this system, indicates a deliberate intent and can not be a coincidence.
Belief in God Almighty, and walk on the QURAN, the delivery and full control of God Almighty, mentioned the Holy Quran of these stages and stages in this sequence, contrary to the interest of the QURAN in general and the human child in particular.
The human phases in the Holy Quran: If we look at and interpret what is mentioned in the QURAN about the human analysis and the division of its stages, we find that God Almighty did not set a separation between the phases and stages of man, but I strive in this study relying on God citing verses and names that are related to this The stages and the sayings of the scholars in it and God is the guardian of success.
First: the cradle stage :
The word of the cradle is mentioned in the lexicon in the sense that the bed is suitable for the boy and he is slow to sleep in it, and is cradled in the sense of "the foot and cradle of the cradle: a name for the nursery that prepares the child for his breast feeding; : [34]).
Ibn Katheer says in his interpretation of his saying: "I pointed to him and said, 'How do we talk to someone who was in the cradle as a boy?' [Maryam: 29]" How did we imagine the answer to a small boy who could not understand the speech, yet a baby in its infancy? " (The beginning and the end).
Through this we see that the stage of the cradle extends from birth until weaning or the duration of breastfeeding, as it simplifies and prepares for the boy in them even tighten his back and can move and eat on the ground.
Second: Childhood: from cradle to pre-puberty
In the lexicon of the young man, the word "young" is recited in the sense of youth and modernity. The name of the actor is the young boy without the boy, or who did not wean yet and boys and boys is the emerging, which trains the profession work and simulation. The Almighty said: (Oh Yahya take the book strongly and the referee gave him a boy) [Mary: 12].
Said the owner of the mediator in his interpretation of this verse:
"Al-Qurtubi said to Ibn Abbas in his interpretation of this verse:" Whoever reads Qur'aan before he dreams, he is the one who gave the judgment as a boy. "Al-Tabari said:" We gave him understanding of the Book of God in the event of his youth before reaching the teeth of men. "
And the fuqaha 'of the boy, without the dream, according to the hadeeth of Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He lifted the pen from three, from the sleeper until he woke up, from the boy until he dreamed, , And said: "It is true on the condition of the two sheikhs," and Tirmidhi improved it.
Third: the stage of bullying
This stage extends from the dream to the stage of adulthood, and came in the brief young: between adolescence and masculinity, and young: the young man first youth between adolescence and manhood - and the servant. And in the Holy Quran ("Let us eat our lunch") [Cave of verse: 62].
God Almighty said: "If the children are brought to the cave, they will say," Our Lord, give us mercy from you, and prepare for us a command of us. "[Al-Kahf: 10] If you take the words of the interpreters in the youth, "The boy collected a boy, collecting cracking, which is from the masses of boys and shows the words of young people as young people do not shib", and in the interpretation of the Jalalain: "The boy collected a boy, a young man full."
Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi (in the middle) said: "A boy is a boy who is a description of a person when he is young." He also said in his interpretation of the verse: [Yusuf: 36], "Boys disobeyed a boy, who is beyond the dream and entered the age of young people."
Fourthly: Al-Kahlulah
The boy becomes a calf when his physical and mental strength is completed; that is, the stage of completion and guidance, and in the old lexicon: from thirty to about fifty.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "He speaks to the people in the cradle and to the people of the righteous." Imam al-Qurtubi says: "Between the state of glamor and the state of aging."
In his interpretation of this verse, Al-Baghawi reported to Ibn Abbas: "God sent him when he was thirty years old, so he stayed in his letter thirty months and then God raised him up to him" .
Fifth: Aging
This stage extends between the priesthood and the pyramid, and in the shortest is the age of man - old, and old age: teeth. The sheikh: Whoever understands aging and is often at the age of fifty, above the age and without the pyramid.
After the completion of this stage - the stage - the human enters a new phase of growth, and it is noticeable that the human at this stage weak to do what was done in the previous stage, and continues to weaken until death, and this is the wisdom of God in his creation that everything if It begins to diminish from where it began, and God says: {He who created you from dust and then from the sperm and then from the leech and then bring you a child and then to inform you and then to be elders and you who dies before and to inform the name of time and you may know) [Ga T: 67].
He also said: {even if it reaches its peak and reached forty years} [Ahqaf of verse: 150], that is, this stage begins after forty.
Sixth: The pyramid
It is stated in the brief, the pyramid of the man pyramid: which reached the maximum height and weakness is a pyramid, says Imam Al-Shanqiti in (lights of the statement): "The verse: (Then you are then to Mtton, then you on the Day of Resurrection), shows the Almighty in this verse That after they were created by another creature, one of them was taken out of his mother's small belly, then he was occupied, then he was a young man, then he was an adult, then he was an old man, and then they were all coming to death from the age of them and those who did not live.
Imam al-Imam Ibn Katheer also said: "Al-Afawi said about Ibn Abbas (and then we created it another creation), which means that he moved from one state to another, ie he went out to a child and then grew up young and then he became a young man.
It should be noted that there are no time limits between this stage, because there are differences and circumstances and effects may vary from individual to environment and to each other, as God pleased him.